fsminQ 发表于 2021-3-30 14:45:58


镀锌板是建筑装修中一种比较常见的建材,现在使用的比较多的镀锌板材质主要有非合金热镀锌钢带和合金化热镀锌钢带、合金化镀锌钢板、热金镀锌钢板、电镀锌钢板、单面镀锌钢板等。一般镀锌板的厚度是在0.4~3.2mm之间。对于金属屋面的防水处理,根据金属表面新旧程度不同,要求是不一样的,一般通常分为两种情况,一种是已经使用了2-3年以上的钢结构建筑,其屋面的金属表面已经开始老化、锈蚀,这种情况下的金属表面的防水应采取先防锈防腐、再进行防水施工的工艺;另一种是新建的钢结构建筑或采用铝板、镀锌板作为屋面板材的建筑,金属表面条件非常好,可以在将表面清理干净涂刷金属表面处理剂后直接防水施工。热镀锌钢板的镀层较厚(一般为60-600g/m²),基板性能受到热镀锌工艺的影响,主要用于建筑、日用器具及汽车等,可直接露天使用;电镀锌钢板的镀层较薄(一般为10-160g/m²),基板性能不受电镀锌工艺的影响,主要用于汽车、家电、电气、及涂层原板等,一般需凃漆,不宜直接露天使用。Galvanized plate is a more common building materials in building decoration, now used more galvanized plate material is mainly non-alloy hot galvanized steel strip and hot galvanized steel strip, alloyed galvanized steel sheet, hot gold galvanized steel sheet, galvanized steel sheet, single galvanized steel sheet, etc.The thickness of galvanized plates is between 0.4~3.2mm.For metal roof waterproof treatment, the requirements are different, is usually divided into two situations, one is the steel structure has been used more than 2-3 years, the metal surface of the roof has begun to aging, rust, in this case of the metal surface of the waterproof should take anticorrosion, and then waterproof construction; the other is a new steel structure building or aluminum plate, galvanized plate as roof plate, metal surface conditions are very good, can be cleaned in the surface brush metal surface treatment agent directly waterproof construction.Hot dip galvanized steel plate plating thick (generally 60-600g / m²), substrate performance is affected by hot galvanizing process, mainly used for buildings, daily appliances and automobiles, can be directly open use; galvanizing steel plate plating thin (generally 10-160g / m²), substrate performance is not affected by galvanizing process, mainly for automobiles, home appliances, electrical, and coating plate, generally need paint, not direct open use.
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查看完整版本: 广东镀锌板DX51D镀锌板1.0mm热镀锌板0.6mm无花镀锌钢板白铁皮