fsminQ 发表于 2021-4-19 15:26:04


镀锌板是指表面镀有一层锌的钢制板材,镀锌板按照表面状态可以分为普通锌花、细锌花、平整锌花、无锌花以及磷化处理等。镀锌板按照包装分为定尺切割长度镀锌板和带卷镀锌板两种。镀锌板一般使用铁皮进行包装,镀锌板打捆要结实牢靠,防止镀锌板之间的相互摩擦。结构用的镀锌板要求有屈服点、抗拉强度和身长度的数据指标。锌层属于表面防护工艺的一种,锌层工艺分为电镀锌和热浸镀锌,电镀锌采用电离子溶液分解技术把锌离子吸引附着到钢材表面,形成一层薄薄的锌层,电镀锌锌层厚度标准要求大于等于12微米,热浸镀锌是通过金属溶解反应技术让锌金属分子与钢材金属分子发生化学反应,生成一层较厚的合金锌层,热浸镀锌锌层厚度标准要求大于等于65微米。镀锌板一般采用的是电镀锌工艺,表面比较平整光滑。电缆桥架生产厂家制作镀锌桥架所采购的板材都要遵循以上标准。Galvanized plate is to point to the surface coated with a layer of zinc steel plate, galvanized plate can be divided into ordinary zinc flower, fine zinc flower, flat zinc flower, no zinc flower and phosphorus treatment according to the surface state.Galvanized plate is divided into fixed scale cutting length galvanized plate and rolled galvanized plate.Galvanized plate is generally used for iron sheet packaging, galvanized plate bundle should be strong and firm, to prevent the mutual friction between galvanized plates.The galvanized plate for the structure requires data indicators of yield point, tensile strength and body length.Zinc layer belongs to a surface protection process, zinc layer process is divided into galvanizing and hot dip galvanizing, galvanizing using electroion solution decomposition technology to attract zinc ion to attach to the steel surface, form a thin zinc layer, electroplating zinc layer thickness requirements more than or equal to 12 microns, hot dip galvanizing is zinc metal molecules and steel metal molecules through metal dissolution reaction technology, generate a thick alloy zinc layer, hot dip zinc layer thickness requirements more than or equal to 65 microns.Galvanized plate is generally used in the electrogalvanized process, the surface is relatively smooth and smooth.Cable bridge manufacturer made galvanized bridge procurement of the plate should follow the above standards.
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查看完整版本: 宝钢直发无花镀锌卷DC51D+Z镀锌钢板2.0*1250*2500mm开平板白铁皮