fsminQ 发表于 2021-11-30 15:54:03


镀锌C型钢是指采用高强度钢板,经过冷弯,辊压成型,具有壁厚均匀、截面性能优良,强度高,和传统热轧相比同等强度可节约材料30%一种新型钢材。因镀锌C型钢所具有的特点,所以它广泛用于钢结构建筑的檩条、墙梁,亦可自行组合成轻量型屋架、托架等建筑构件,此外,还可用于机械轻工制造中的柱、梁和臂等。Galvanized C-type steel refers to the use of high-strength steel plate, after cold bending, roll pressure forming, with uniform wall thickness, excellent section performance, high strength, compared with the traditional hot rolling, the same strength can save 30% of a new steel.Due to the characteristics of galvanized C-type steel, it is widely used for the purlin and wall beams of steel structure buildings, and can also be combined into lightweight house frames, brackets and other building components, in addition, it can also be used for columns, beams and arms in mechanical light industry manufacturing.

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查看完整版本: 猪舍牛棚防腐c型钢冷弯内卷边镀锌檩条c型槽冲孔加工定制