fsminQ 发表于 2021-12-28 16:48:17


C型钢都是经热卷板冷弯加工而成,壁薄自重轻,截面性能优良,强度高,与传统槽钢相比,同等强度可节约材料30%。一般情况下,C型钢都是由C型钢成型机自动加工成型的。C型钢成型机根据给定的C型钢尺寸就可以自动完成C型钢的成型工艺。 对于经常被用于钢结构建筑的檩条、墙梁,也可自行组合成轻量型屋架、托架等建筑构件的C型钢来说,一般会按高度的不同分为80、100、120、140、160五种规格,长度可根据工程设计确定,但考虑到运输和安装等条件,全长一般不超过12米。镀锌C型钢,表面光洁,锌层均匀,附着力强,尺寸精确度高,所有表面被锌层包裹,表面含锌量通常在120-275g/㎡,使用寿命长抗腐蚀耐用经久,是防护力较强的一种镀锌C型钢质高。而我们抗震支吊架中所用的C型钢通常是经过镀锌表面处理工艺加工后的产品,其镀层厚度符合国家规范要求,具有高耐腐蚀的性能,建筑应用抗震支吊架将安全寿命长。C-type steel is made of cold bending of hot coil plate, with light thin wall weight, excellent section performance and high strength. Compared with traditional groove steel, the same strength can save 30% of materials.In general, the C-type steel is automatically processed by the C-type steel molding machine.C steel molding machine can automatically complete the forming process of C steel according to the given C steel size.For purlins, wall beams often used in steel structure buildings, which can also be combined into C-shaped steel, such as lightweight building frames and brackets, it is generally divided into 80,100,120,140,160 five specifications according to the different height, the length can be determined according to the engineering design, but considering the conditions of transportation and installation, the total length is generally not more than 12 meters.Galvanized C type steel, clean surface, uniform zinc layer, strong adhesion, high size precision, all surfaces coated with zinc layer, surface zinc content is usually 120-275g / ㎡, long corrosion resistance, is a galvanized C type steel with high protection.The C-type steel used in our seismic support hangers is usually processed by galvanized surface treatment process, and its coating thickness meets the requirements of national specifications and has high corrosion resistance performance. The building application of seismic support hangers will have a long safety life.

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