fsminQ 发表于 2022-1-18 12:27:37


很长一段时间来,彩钢瓦都以其价格便宜,经济实惠,方便取材建设而被很多人用来当做盖房子的建筑材料,尤其是一些临时性住宅或工棚。彩钢瓦质量较轻,高强度,抗震,防火,安装搭建灵活,受到了人们的青睐,金属屋面彩钢瓦被广泛应用于企业厂房修建上。但是由于其是钢铁材质,在室外日晒雨淋难免会生锈腐蚀。必须定期的对其进行翻新防腐处理,才能使用得更加长久。目前彩钢屋面多为坡屋面,常见的坡度为5%和10%。屋面板为压型钢板或压型夹芯板,下部为檩条,檩条搭设在门式钢架等主要支撑结构上。在国内,此种类型的屋面安装光伏电站实例较多。对于此种屋面,光伏组件可沿屋面坡度平行铺设,也可以设计成一定倾角的方式布置。上部支架可通过不同的连接件、紧固件与屋面承重结构连接。For a long time, color steel tiles are cheap, affordable, convenient materials and are used by many people as building materials for building houses, especially some temporary houses or sheds.Color steel tile quality is light, high strength, seismic, fire prevention, flexible installation and construction, favored by people, metal roof color steel tile is widely used in the enterprise plant construction.But because it is made of steel, the sun and rain will inevitably rust and corrosion.It must be regularly renovated for anticorrosion treatment to last longer.At present, the color steel roof is mostly slope roof, the common slope of 5% and 10%.The house panel is pressed steel plate or pressed sandwich plate, the lower part is purlin, purlins are built on the main support structure such as door steel frame.In China, this type of roof installation of photovoltaic power station has more examples.For such a roof, photovoltaic modules can be laid in parallel along the roof slope, or can be designed as a certain inclination.The upper bracket can be connected to the roof load-bearing structure through different connections and fasteners.

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