fsminQ 发表于 2022-2-17 15:38:19


C型钢预埋件广泛用于建筑幕墙,工业厂房建筑,桥梁和隧道管道支架,紧固件等嵌入式部件的锚固。产品的应用范围:冶金,建筑,电力,铁路,核反应堆和其他套环。一般情况下,我们销售的C型钢全部采用的是大型钢厂的镀锌卷分条而不是带钢,因为带钢的材质不稳定,而镀锌卷分条上有一层油可以作为保护膜,能有效延缓其氧化时间,另外重要的一点是镀锌卷分条可以很好的保证C型钢产品成型后的美观性。因为,带钢属于热轧,镀锌卷分条属于冷轧,采用不同的材质在国标(JC/T380-2012)中的要求也不同。C型钢品种在截面形状上有开口、半封闭和封闭,主要产品有冷弯槽钢、角钢、z型钢、冷弯波形钢板、方管、矩形管、焊接成型钢管、百叶窗等。一般生产的冷弯型钢厚度不超过6毫米,宽度不超过500毫米。The C-type steel embedded parts are widely used for the anchorage of the embedded parts such as building curtain wall, industrial plant building, bridge and tunnel pipe supports, and fasteners.Scope of products: metallurgy, construction, electricity, railways, nuclear reactors and other rings.In general, we sell all type C steel is large steel galvanized coil strip rather than strip steel, because strip steel material is unstable, and galvanized coil strip has a layer of oil can be used as a protective film, can effectively delay the oxidation time, another important point is galvanized coil strip can be very good to ensure the beauty of type C steel products after forming.Because, the strip belongs to hot rolling, galvanized roll strip is cold rolling, using different materials in the national standard (JC / T380-2012) requirements are also different.C-type steel varieties are open, semi-closed and closed in the section shape, the main products are cold bending groove steel, angle steel, z-type steel, cold bending waveform steel plate, square pipe, rectangular pipe, welded forming steel pipe, shutter, etc.Generally produced cold bent steel thickness does not exceed 6 mm, the width is not more than 500 mm.

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查看完整版本: 乐从金属加工厂C型钢5.0mmC型钢冷弯滚压光伏支架镀锌C型钢