首钢q235普热轧酸洗卷开平热轧板佛山万庆酸洗板厂家切割加工中厚板 ...

2021-3-11 10:55
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

热轧板,轧件的温度高,因此变形抗力小,可以实现大的变形量。以钢板的轧制为例,一般连铸坯厚度在230mm左右,而经过粗轧和精轧,最终厚度为1~20mm。同时,由于钢板的宽厚比小,尺寸精度要求相对低,不容易出现板形 ...


The temperature of hot rolled plate and rolled piece is high, so the deformation resistance is small and large deformation can be realized. Taking the rolling of steel plate as an example, the thickness of continuous casting slab is generally about 230mm, while after rough rolling and finish rolling, the final thickness is 1 ~ 20mm. At the same time, because the width thickness ratio of the steel plate is small and the requirements for dimensional accuracy are relatively low, the shape problem is not easy to occur, and the convexity is mainly controlled. The requirements for microstructure are generally realized by controlled rolling and cooling, that is, the microstructure and mechanical properties of the strip are controlled by controlling the start rolling temperature, final rolling temperature and crimp temperature of finish rolling.



By definition, ingots or billets are difficult to deform and process at room temperature. Generally, they are heated to 1100 ~ 1250 ℃ for rolling. This rolling process is called hot rolling. Most steel is rolled by hot rolling. However, because the surface of steel is easy to form iron oxide scale at high temperature, which makes the surface of hot-rolled steel rough and the size fluctuates greatly, the steel with smooth surface, accurate size and good mechanical properties is required to be produced by cold rolling with hot-rolled semi-finished products or finished products as raw materials.



If the hot-rolled plate is not pickled, it is similar to the surface of many ordinary steel plates on the market. The rusted surface is red and the non rusted surface is purple black (iron oxide scale).






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