广东镀锌板耐指纹镀锌板_DX51D+Z镀锌板_耐指纹镀锌板定制加工规格尺寸 ... ...

2021-6-29 10:35
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

由于各行各业产品的百花齐放,镀锌板所使用的表面处理方法品种繁多,对性能的要求也各不相同,其中用得最多的是耐指纹处理。耐指纹产品的耐指纹性能就是涂敷处理之后光反射强度差异较小而形成了通常意义上所说的“耐 ...


Due to the bloom of products from all walks of life flowers, galvanized plate use a variety of surface treatment methods, and the performance requirements are also different, among which the most used is fingerprint resistance.


The fingerprint resistance of fingerprint resistance products is that the difference of light reflection intensity is small and forming the usually called "fingerprint resistance".The corrosion resistance of fingerprint plate is directly related to the thickness of the film, the thicker the film, the thicker the film, the stronger the ability to isolate water, oxygen and other corrosion media in the air, and the better the corrosion resistance.


Ffingerprint plate is a filling coating plate obtained after spreading fingerprint disposal on the surface of galvanized plate.Fingerresistant steel plate is the first material to pass the environmental protection certificate. Because the surface is touched with clean fingers, it is called "fingerprint resistant". The surface of fingerprint resistant steel plate is smooth, smooth and small tolerance.


The fingerprint plate is a composite coating plate after fingerprint resistance treatment on the surface of galvanized plate.Two types of fingerprint resistance treatment process mainly exist: one is the galvanized plate after passivation treatment, and then on the passivation film coated with organic coating (passivation film), its coating method mainly adopts roller coating.The other is to add organic resin and colloidal silica to the galvanized passivation liquid. The galvanized strip forms a composite coating with corrosion resistance and fingerprint resistance on the surface through the passivation groove, which mainly includes electrolytic coating and roller coating.At present, the first process is generally used to produce fingerprint resistant board.The traditional fingerprint plate is basically electrogalvanized plate as a substrate.With the continuous improvement and development of hot galvanizing technology and process, the surface quality of hot galvanized plate has reached the same degree as electrogalvanized plate, and hot galvanized plate is cheap and has better corrosion resistance, so hot galvanized plate as fingerprint substrate is gradually becoming the mainstream.






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