家用空气炸锅镀铝板内胆0.35mm/0.4mm镀铝板面包机用浦项镀铝板冲压开平切割 ...

2021-10-29 10:03
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

偷偷的说,其实小编是资深油炸食品爱好者。只要说起油炸食品,小编嘴巴里的口水就直往下流,炸鸡腿、炸鸡排、炸翅根,还有薯条、牙签肉、油炸花生米......工作的压力,都是靠油炸食物缓解和续命,那么,在我们日常生 ...


Secretly said, in fact, Xiaobian is a senior fried food lovers.As long as it comes to fried food, Xiaobian mouth saliva straight down, fried chicken legs, fried chicken chops, fried wing roots, and French fries, toothpick meat, fried peanuts...... The pressure of work is based on fried food to relieve and continue our life, so, in our daily life, there is a new product, which makes our food production more convenient, that is —— air fryer.


A big advantage of the air fryer is less oil and health, both enjoying delicious and taking care of health.


At present, the conscience of the air fryer manufacturers use more liner material is aluminum-plated steel plate, but also gradually become the mainstream.It can withstand the high temperature of 600 degrees, oxidation and corrosion resistance is very strong, the life is at least 60% longer than the galvanized plate.Aluminium coating: aluminum will form a dense oxide film at the moment it contacts with air. This oxide film has a high temperature resistance of up to 1600, and the aluminum plate will form the oxide film again at the moment it is blown, so there is no need to worry about aluminum ions entering the food.Alumized liner are food grade liner and very safe.





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