
2021-11-9 10:29
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

不锈钢罐有较强的耐腐性,它不受外界空气及水中余氯腐蚀;不锈钢罐密封性好;密封式设计彻底杜绝了空气飘尘中有害物质和蚊虫入侵罐内,确保水质不受外界污染和滋生红虫。科学设计使罐底的沉淀物不因水流而翻起,保证 ...


Stainless steel tank has strong corrosion resistance, which is not corroded by residual chlorine in external air and water; Stainless steel tank has good sealing performance; The sealed design completely prevents harmful substances in air dust and mosquitoes from invading the tank, ensuring that the water quality is not polluted by the outside world and breeding red insects. Scientific design ensures that the sediment at the tank bottom will not turn up due to water flow, so as to ensure the natural stratification of domestic water and fire water; Stainless steel tanks do not need to be cleaned frequently; The precipitates in the water can be discharged only by regularly opening the blowdown valve at the bottom of the tank. The stainless steel tank has light weight and small wind load. Using stainless steel cans can save a lot of edible water.


304 materials in grain brewing; Brewing; Food fermentation and other fields are widely used, and the most advantage is the storage of chemical and liquid; In this regard, 316 stainless steel tanks are widely used; All over the chemical industry; Petrochemistry; Coal chemistry; Oil chemistry, various chemical production industries, acids; Alkali; Reaction tanks are suitable for stainless steel.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is a stainless steel products processing manufacturer, specializing in stainless steel deep processing and selling stainless steel products of various models and specifications. According to the different needs of customers, we can design, manufacture and debug all kinds of required products. With modern management, high-quality products, reasonable price, all-round after-sales service and good reputation, we have established a long-term friendly partnership with our customers to provide a wide range of manufacturers with high-quality and low-cost products. Interested parties are welcome to inquire.





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