
2021-11-12 10:05
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

随着我国医院建设水平和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对医院环境的要求也越来越高,医院环境除受建筑本身结构的影响外,更大程度上决定于其装饰材料的呈现效果。并且,由于医院流动人群中老弱病残的聚集比例远大于一 ...


医院消毒供应中心、手术室等功能用房的墙面、顶棚装饰多用彩色涂层钢板。彩色涂层钢板简称彩钢板,表面的保护性装饰涂层附着力强,色彩丰富、色调均匀,可长期保持新颖,装饰效果优异。以镀锌钢板为基板的彩钢板性能较好,其保护层使用年限可达 10-15 年,防腐、耐锈、耐污染,耐高、低温,耐沸水浸泡,加工性能良好,可切、弯、钻、铆接,尺寸大小与铝扣板相似,安装方便,还可用于浴室、卫生间等顶棚装饰。

With the continuous improvement of the hospital construction level and people's living standards in China, people's requirements for the hospital environment are also getting higher and higher. In addition to the building itself structure, the hospital environment determines the presentation effect of its decoration materials to a greater extent.In addition, because the aggregation proportion of the old, the sick and the disabled in the hospital floating population is much greater than that in general public places, the selection of decoration materials, especially the wall and ground decoration materials has its particularity.

Hospital disinfection supply center, operating room and other functional rooms of the wall, ceiling decoration multi-color coated steel plate.Color coating steel plate is referred to as color steel plate, the surface of the protective decorative coating with strong adhesion, rich color, uniform color, can be kept novel for a long time, excellent decorative effect.The color steel plate with galvanized steel plate as the substrate has good performance, its protective layer can reach 10-15 years, anti-corrosion, corrosion resistance, pollution resistance, high resistance, low temperature, boiling water immersion, good processing performance, cutting, bending, drilling, riveting, similar to aluminum buckle plate, convenient installation, can also be used for bathroom, toilet and other ceiling decoration.





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