高铁桥梁预埋件栏杆遮板热镀锌桥架防锈耐腐蚀DX51D+Z80g-275g锌层 ...

2021-12-11 10:10
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

随着科技的快速发展,我们需要用到电的地方越来越多,为了减少用电时发生安全事故的几率,就研发出了用来保护线路的电缆桥架。电缆桥架是由支架、托臂以及安装配件组成,它既可以独立架设,也可以敷设在建筑物或者管 ...


With the rapid development of technology, we need more and more electricity, and in order to reduce the chance of safety accidents when using electricity, we have developed a cable bridge used to protect the lines.Cable bridge frame is composed of brackets, brackets and mounting accessories, which can be erected independently or laid on buildings or pipe corridors.


Hot galvanized bridge is the rust-treated steel members into about 600high temperature melting zinc liquid, so that the surface of the steel members adhere to the zinc layer, zinc layer thickness within 5mm thin plate not less than 65 m, not less than 86 m thick plate, thus has the purpose of corrosion resistance.As a reasonable and effective metal corrosion method, hot-dip zinc process has been widely used as metal structure facilities in various industries, with corrosion resistance of more than ten years.


The hot galvanized bridge is made of cold-rolled steel plate. The surface process is hot galvanized, forming the full name of the rigid structure system with dense support cable by straight sections, winding, through, three, four components, arms (arm support) and hanger.



Hot galvanized bridge is made of cold galvanized bridge with surface treatment galvanized layer with different manufacturing process.Hot galvanized bridge is thick and has strong erosion resistance.longer than the life of galvanized bridge, whether hardness or impact resistance, hot galvanization is an absolute advantage.





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