河北轻钢龙骨用镀锌钢板烤漆镀锌龙骨防火防潮檩条龙骨镀锌c型钢 ...

2021-12-30 10:07
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

烤漆龙骨是由防火的镀锌板制造,经久耐用。采用经济放置式结构,特殊连接方法,组合装卸。方便,节省工时、施工简单。龙骨表面采用的是镀锌钢板,经过烤漆处理。轻钢龙骨与烤漆龙骨的区别在于一般的轻钢龙骨不做涂面 ...

烤漆龙骨是防火的镀锌板制造,经久耐用。采用经济放置式结构,特殊连接方法,组合装卸。方便,节省工时、施工简单。龙骨表面采用的是镀锌钢板,经过烤漆处理。 轻钢龙骨与烤漆龙骨的区别在于一般的轻钢龙骨不做涂面处理,制作镀层(镀锌),而烤漆龙骨表面做过烤漆,一般分黑色和白色,少数根据设计要求烤成其他颜色,主要是因为烤漆龙骨大部分用在明龙骨,烤漆是为了保证外露部分若不上锈也不影响美观。明架龙骨 平面系列、凹槽系列,立体凹槽系列。暗架龙骨:平面系列 烤漆龙骨整体平面效果好,线条简洁,美观大方。烤漆龙骨安全、坚固、美观,适合各种矿棉天花板、铝质方块天花板、硅酸钙板等配套施工。具有重量轻、强度高、防水、防火、防震、隔音、吸音等功效,同时还具有工期短、施工简便等优点,是一种新型吊顶装饰材料,广泛应用于商场、医院、银行、宾馆、工厂、候机楼等。

Pered keels are made from fire proof galvanized plates and durable.Using economic placement structure, special connection method, combined loading and unloading.Convenient, save man-hours, simple construction.The keel surface is of galvanized steel plate and is painted.Light steel keel and keel paint is the general light steel keel not coating, coating (galvanized), and paint keel surface made paint, generally black and white, a few according to the design requirements into other colors, mainly because paint keel mostly used in bright keel, paint is to ensure that the exposed part if not rust does not affect the appearance.Bright frame keel plane series, groove series, three-dimensional groove series.Dark frame keel: plane series baked paint keel overall plane effect is good, simple lines, beautiful and generous.The iled keel is safe, strong and beautiful, suitable for all kinds of mineral cotton ceiling, aluminum block ceiling, calcium silicate plate and other supporting construction.It has light weight, high strength, waterproof, fire prevention, shock proof, sound insulation, sound absorption and other effects, but also has the advantages of short construction period, simple construction, it is a new ceiling decoration material, widely used in shopping malls, hospitals, banks, hotels, factories, terminals, etc.



Paint: generally is to point to the paint paint to add temperature will dry, there are two kinds: powder paint and liquid paint, the difference is that the raw material of the former is solid powder, the temperature is about 200 degrees, coating in the construction of super spray coating can be recycled waste less, attachment strength is big.The latter is liquid, the temperature is about 150 degrees, spraying super spray coating is not recyclable, adhesion a little time.





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