卫生洁具冷板柳钢冷成型用低合金冷轧钢板分条卷料材质过硬搪瓷板 ...

2022-1-8 17:37
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

还记得印着红双喜的痰盂吗?这个50多年前流行于中国家庭之中的卫生洁具,又叫“子孙桶”,是姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁物,有多子多福,保佑子孙万代的寓意。以前的子孙桶由三部分组成:马桶、脚盆、水桶。现在简化成一个红漆 ...


Remember the spittoon printed?This sanitary ware, which was popular in Chinese families more than 50 years ago, is also known as the "descendant bucket", which is the dowry of a girl when she gets married. It has many children and the meaning of protecting thousands of generations.The bucket of former descendants consists of three parts: toilet, foot basin, bucket.Now simplified into a small bucket of red paint, more convenient, with the descendants to the bowl, mahogany box cabinet and said dowry three treasures.


The rel is to need family brothers before the bride into the door, generally used to hold some moral items, such as jujube, meaning early birth, immortal fruit is peanuts, meaning longevity, many children, put five eggs, meaning five children, will also put some longan, lily, lotus seeds and other dried fruit.Some will also put chopsticks at the request of her mother-in-law, meaning fast birth.


Once the red iron basin, iron bucket, is also a wedding necessary, now there is no practical use, can only vaguely see their shadow in the wedding ornaments.


The red Shuangxi bucket used for wedding is a kind of enamel cold plate with a thickness of 36-40mm, that is, the enamel inner bile substrate is cold rolled carbon steel (cold rolled plate), such as the common SPCC, its high iron content, enamel is the inorganic glass glaze painted on the surface of the metal billet.Porcelain enamel on the metal surface can prevent the metal from rust, so that the metal will not form an oxide layer on the surface and can resist the erosion of various liquids when heated.



Enamel steel plate is advanced production technology and traditional technology (enamel technology), after design, feeding, high temperature firing and other dozens of process, it is the perfect combination of inorganic materials and steel plate, has many high quality characteristics, such as high flexibility, super salinity resistance, durability, noncombustion, safety, environmental protection and other characteristics of decorative plate.


As enamel products are not only safe and non-toxic, easy to wash clean, can be widely used in daily life food utensils and washing appliances, and under specific conditions, porcelain enamel enamel on the metal blank body shows high hardness, high temperature resistance, wear resistance and insulation excellent performance, make enamel products have a more widespread use.Porcelain glaze layer can also give the products with a beautiful appearance and decorate people's life.The enamel products have both the strength of the metal and the gorgeous appearance of the porcelain glaze and the chemical erosion resistance.


Common enamel products in life have sanitary ware of steel plate enamel bathtub, cast iron enamel bathtub, shower basin, etc., utensils generally have basin, cup, plate, bucket, bowl, pot, pot, spittoon and other utensils, such as medical needle basin, vase, candy box, tea box ashtray, etc.


This year, this spittoon, described by the business as "large capacity, enough to store all kinds of fruits", "symbolizing a good and happy life", "in 1800 degrees of high temperature furnace quenching, craftsmanship, high temperature resistance, high hardness" in the overseas popular, can put fruit and red wine, foreigners say this is a work of art.


As the economic development, dowry gradually rich, and the toilet lost urine bucket function after gradually unpopular.After everyone lived in the suite with a bathroom, the descendants bucket completely quit the people's life.But it meaning is very good, the wedding can not be without it, so many people make the toilet into decorations or smaller and light pendant, still appear in the traditional wedding, bridal chamber.









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