温室大棚U型骨架槽钢热镀锌带钢卷板热浸锌H型钢镀锌管定尺切割 ...

2022-2-26 09:51
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

温室大棚现在在世界上是蔬菜种植领域使用占比较高的一种,尤其是在我国的南北方地区,露天种植现在很难种植出产量品相的蔬菜。蔬菜大棚作用也从反季节种植到隔绝酸雨、灰尘等作用。我们在了解温室行业报价的时候很多 ...


Greenhouse is now a relatively high kind of use in the vegetable planting field in the world, especially in the southern and northern regions of China, it is difficult to produce outdoor planting vegetables.Vegetable greenhouse effect is also from out-of-season planting to the isolation of acid rain, dust and other effects.When we understand the greenhouse industry quotation many manufacturers will especially improve hot dip galvanized skeleton material, greenhouse U skeleton with high quality hot galvanized steel coil as raw material, through professional rolling equipment rolling molding, thickness is 1.5-2.0mm, the main model is 80100, with strong pressure resistance, no welding point, no column, long life, convenient installation, beautiful appearance.



To improve the corrosion resistance of the steel pipes, the general steel pipes are galvanized.The galvanized pipe produces an alloy layer reactive between the molten metal and the iron matrix, thus combining both the substrate and the plating layer.Hot galvanizing is the first steel pipe, to remove iron oxide on the surface of the steel pipe, after washing, through ammonium chloride or zinc chloride solution or ammonium chloride and zinc chloride mixed aqueous solution tank, and then sent into the hot dip tank.Hot-plated galvanizing has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life.The steel pipe matrix and the molten plating liquid undergo complex physical and chemical reactions, forming a corrosion-resistant structure of a tight zinc monoferroalloy layer.Alloy layer is integrated with pure zinc layer and steel pipe substrate.Therefore, its corrosion resistance ability is strong.


The advantages of hot galvanized skeleton materials are thick zinc layer, strong rust prevention ability, and service life of more than years.





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