攀钢宝钢热镀铝锌板0.6mm家电空调底盘用热镀铝锌板DX51D+AZ耐指纹镀铝锌卷 ... ...

2022-4-9 17:33
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

据了解,攀钢热镀铝锌板兼顾了热镀锌和热镀铝板的优点,具有优异的耐蚀性和良好的外观装饰性等特点,是冷轧薄板产品中附加值较高的品种之一,在国外建筑、家电、机械、化工、交通运输等行业获得了广泛应用。我国对热 ...


It is understood that Panzhihua hot aluminum zinc plate takes into account the advantages of hot galvanizing and hot aluminum plate, with excellent corrosion resistance and good appearance decorative characteristics, is one of the higher added value of cold-rolled sheet products, in foreign construction, home appliances, machinery, chemical industry, transportation and other industries have been widely used.The development and production application of hot aluminized zinc plate in China is late, and Panzhihua Steel and Baosteel are the first enterprises to build hot aluminous galvanized zinc production line in China.


The formation of hot-plated aluminum zinc plate for home appliances is more complex, and it is difficult to apply it in home appliance manufacturing industry.In this regard, in order to improve the formation performance of hot aluminum zinc plate coating, the research group and Panzhihua vanadium has carried out a lot of research.Panzhihua hot-plated aluminum zinc plate has successfully passed the joint venture air conditioning chassis laboratory certification.



Because the air conditioning chassis requires excellent surface quality and coating performance, process control, the stability of the unit have high requirements, further explore the home appliances hot aluminum zinc plate market has laid a good foundation.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD. Hot dip aluminum zinc plate spot sufficient, complete specifications, is pansteel, Baosteel, eastern Korea, Pohang, Shougang foreign large steel enterprises product dealers.Foshan Wanqing materials can provide customers with relevant after-sales repair technical support, welcome the majority of users to call contact consultation.





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