如何购买烤箱?看这篇文章就知道了,镀锌钢镀铝钢不锈钢内胆 ... ...

2022-11-15 16:27
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

如果你在考虑买烤箱中,想要入手一台能够长时间使用烤箱,那么你一定要往下看。If you're considering buying an oven and want to buy one that you can use for a long time, be sure you look down.选择烤箱第一 ...


If you're considering buying an oven and want to buy one that you can use for a long time, be sure you look down.


Choose the oven step 1: choose the brand first


If you are going to buy a home electronic oven, Foshan Wanqing suggests choosing the emperor oven, which started in 1993 as the originator of the electronic oven, so it has a very rich experience in oven manufacturing.


Choose the oven. Step 2: Select the capacity


The capacity range of household electric ovens on the market is generally 9 —— 60L. About the capacity is corresponding to the volume, first find the position of the oven, generally the best capacity is 30L, if the volume is too small, the height is not enough, the food heat will be affected, at present, the market for household suggestions to choose 32L, commercial baking recommendations to choose 40L capacity and above.


Select the temperature regulation mode: it is recommended that the independent temperature regulation mode be adopted


With the development of science and technology, the current oven on the market general temperature regulation way, are up and down the independent temperature regulation way, when you buy, pay attention to it is!


Choose inner liner material: household enamel is recommended


The oven liner is made of enamel material, galvanized steel, aluminum steel and stainless steel, uncoated liner.


Enamel material: enamel material has no radiation, no pollution, oil resistance, easy cleaning and other characteristics.


Galvanized steel: galvanized steel is a kind of oven liner material used more, high temperature resistance to 300, low cost.


Aluminized steel: it has a good thermal insulation function, can withstand high temperature of 600, has strong oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, has a long service life, and is a healthy and environmentally friendly inner liner material.


Stainless steel material: high-end liner material, high temperature resistance and oxidation corrosion resistance is slightly higher than aluminum plated plate, high price, easy surface dirty, not easy to clean.


Uncoated inner liner. It is on the galvanized plate or aluminum plated plate surface coated with a layer of sealed non-stained oil protective layer, its oil separation and corrosion resistance is improved again, so that it is more convenient to clean the oven, scratch resistance ability is also improved.


Energy efficiency grade: one energy efficiency is good


About energy efficiency grade, I think should not need to say more! As Chinese people all know, primary energy efficiency is more energy saving, environmental protection and money saving. If you use ovens for a long time, primary energy efficiency can still save a lot of money in a year.


Look at the features


This is still very important, the current market is becoming more and more mature technology, with APP remote control, no need to stare at the roast chicken, bread, pizza these can do well. In addition, there are low-temperature fermentation, hot air cycle, steam humidification and other functions. With the continuous progress of technology, the function of the electronic oven is also gradually improved.


Other selection points


Operation mode, the general operation mode is mechanical way, that is, their rotation button, oneself adjustment, personal feeling operation mode is convenient, and there are also electronic control, touch screen or or through the mobile phone APP control, this I think is very convenient, mechanical more traditional has more ritual sense, electronic operation more advanced intelligent!





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