轻钢Q345镀锌钢镀铝锌钢板轻钢抗腐蚀不生锈900型840型镀铝锌瓦安装快 ... ...

2020-9-22 10:11
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

目前国内最大的轻钢别墅项目建造材料选取的是国产Q345镀锌钢材料。镀铝锌钢板性能1、加工性满足辊压、冲压成形、弯曲和其它形式的加工要求。2、耐蚀性(与热镀锌对比):热镀铝锌钢板有优异的耐腐蚀性,使用寿命是同 ...


At present, it is a larger domestic light steel villa project construction material selection is the domestic Q345 galvanized steel material.



Performance of aluminum-coated galvanized steel plate

1、 加工性

1. Processability


Meet the roller pressure, stamping, forming, bending and other forms of processing requirements.

2、 耐蚀性

2. Corrosion resistance


(Compared with hot dip galvanized): Hot dip aluminum plated zinc steel plate has excellent corrosion resistance, and its service life is 2-6 times that of ordinary galvanized steel plate with the same plating thickness.

3、 反射性

3. Reflexivity

反射热和光的能力是热镀锌钢板的2倍,反射率大于0.70,优于EPA Energy Star(美国环保署 能源之星)规定的0.65,是理想的节能建筑材料。

The ability to reflect heat and light is twice as high as that of hot-dip galvanized steel, the reflectivity is greater than 0.70, better than the 0.65 stipulated by EPA Energy Star (EPA Energy Star), and it is an ideal energy-saving building material.

4、 耐热性

4. Heat resistance

普通热镀锌产品通常使用温度不超过230℃,250℃时会变色,而镀铝锌板可在315℃环境下长期使用不变色。 耐热钝化处理的镀铝锌钢板,在300℃环境下120小时,其颜色变化较铝板和镀铝板的变化均小。

Ordinary hot galvanized products usually use a temperature not more than 230, 250will change color, and aluminum galvanized plate can be used in 315environment for long-term without discoloration.Aluminized galvanized steel plate for 120 hours at 300.



Why does aluminized zinc steel plate not rust?


The comparative test of coated steel plate in the industrial area of Pennsylvania: aluminum galvanized steel plate after 30 years, low-layer cold-bent thin-wall steel building is all the main steel structure sealed in the wall, so the main body of the structure can be used for more than more years.


Aluminium galvanized steel plate (GALVALUME / GL) is a steel plate with metal coating ratio with the best corrosion resistance.The aluminum-zinc alloy structure of aluminum-zinc steel plate is composed of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon curing at a high temperature of 600. The whole structure consists of aluminum-iron-silicon-zinc, forming a dense quaternary crystal, thus forming a strong barrier against the penetration of corrosion factors.






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