强度高的金属板材在洗衣机家电领域中得到了青睐,也就是钢板材料,最常见的是pcm彩涂板和vcm覆膜板。The metal sheet with high strength is favored in the field of washing machine home appliance, namely steel ...……
镀锌板按板面分类:有锌花镀锌板和无锌花镀锌板。Galvanized plate according to plate surface: galvanized plate and galvanized galvanized plate.镀锌板按锌层分类有:80G锌, 100G锌,120G锌,180G锌,275G锌。G ...……
各行各业所需pcm彩涂板的选择主要考虑的是pcm彩涂板自身的性能以及行业的环境。The selection of pcm color coating board needed by all walks of life mainly considers the performance of pcm color coating boa ...……
冰箱门板钢板有哪几种?What kinds of refrigerator door plate have?玻璃面板:耐磨,硬度高,外观好看,手感好,方便擦洗,缺点易留手印,怕磕碰,价格也高。Glass panel: wear-resistant, high hardness, good-lo ...……
以前家庭炒菜常用铁锅,现在基本都用不锈钢锅了。这是为什么呢?Before the family cooking commonly used iron pot, now basically use stainless steel pot. Why is this?相比铁质炒锅,不锈钢锅的重量会轻盈一些 ...……
彩钢板被广泛应用于现在的房屋建筑中,那么,彩钢板和彩钢瓦之间有什么区别吗?Color steel plate is widely used in the current housing buildings, so, what is the difference between color steel plate and co ...……