【耐腐蚀镀锌铝镁板】定制太阳能光伏支架用高锌层镀镁铝锌合金板 ...

2021-10-7 09:30
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

光伏支架作为光伏系统的“骨骼”,在提高电站发电效率、保证电站安全运行中具有不可忽视的重要作用,跟踪支架作为光伏支架产品的升级版,更是改变了人们对于光伏支架低技术含量的刻板印象,在光伏市场中也越来越受欢 ...


Photovoltaic bracket as the "bone" of photovoltaic system, in improving the efficiency of power station, ensure the safe operation of the power station has an important role, tracking bracket as photovoltaic bracket product upgrade, but also changed the people for photovoltaic bracket low technology stereotype, is becoming more and more popular in the photovoltaic market.In a variety of photovoltaic support materials in the market, magnesium coated aluminum zinc materials low price, easy processing, long life, corrosion resistance and cutting section self-repair ability, therefore, Xiaobian is more optimistic about the development prospects of magnesium coated aluminum zinc materials.


High zinc coating magnesium aluminum zinc plate customized its iron content is not more than 0.003% cold galvanizing process is used to protect the metal against corrosion, for this reason, the use of zinc filling coating, using any coating method is applied to the protected surface, dry the zinc filling coating, with zinc content in the drying coating.Suitable for repair work.


Aluminized galvanized magnesium plate is a new generation product sold by Foshan Wanqing Material color steel to meet the high anti-corrosion demand.The product has super corrosion resistance, good scratch resistance and superior chemical resistance and other excellent characteristics, especially suitable for seaside buildings, chemical enterprises, animal husbandry enclosure and other harsh conditions of material selection.






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