华菱安赛乐烨辉镀铝板背光源铁框镀铝卷精细尺寸可调51D52D53D能拉伸分条 ... ...

2022-4-9 12:27
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀铝板是具有良好抗腐蚀性、耐热性和热辐射性等性能的材料,与同样镀层厚度的镀锌钢板相比,耐蚀性提高3—6倍。与车体惯用的不锈钢、铸铁等材料相比,因满足了轻量化、高性能和低成本的汽车钢的需求,越来越受到汽车 ...


Aluminium-plated plate is a material with good corrosion resistance, heat resistance and thermal radiation properties, compared with the galvanized steel plate with the same coating thickness, the corrosion resistance is improved by 3-6 times.Compared with the usual stainless steel, cast iron and other materials of the car body, because it meets the needs of lightweight, high performance and automotive steel, low cost, widely used in automobile exhaust pipe, engine insulation hood and other car body parts.


Aluminized zinc steel plate contains both aluminum and zinc in its alloy coating, so the aluminum element also provides passivation protection in addition to the sacrificial protection of zinc.Aluminum is easy to oxidation in the air, formed AI2O2 is an extremely dense protective film, can isolate the oxygen, water and other corrosive substances in the air into contact with the surface of the steel plate, play an anti-corrosion effect. Zinc, on the other hand, provides sacrificial protection against the steel plate substrate exposed by edge cutting or scratches and reducing its corrosion speed.Therefore, aluminum-plated galvanized alloy coating can provide double protection of steel plate.


Aluminium-plated plate for high-end home appliances has good heat resistance, corrosion resistance and mechanical processing properties, and the surface coating has lasting luster and excellent weathering resistance.


Aluminized plate has been used a lot of us, it has its own unique advantages, in processing, its heat resistance is high, can be in a heat resistant object surface form a protective film, and it is more corrosion resistance, more stable performance, no matter what stretching action or various shapes of processing, it also has this characteristic, so aluminum plate is so capricious is widely used.





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