冷却塔宝钢镀铝锌钢板0.8DX51D+AZ耐指纹镀铝锌卷白铁皮加工切割 ...

2021-12-10 10:13
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

什么是冷却塔?冷却塔是一种给水、油等降温的设备,主要原理是将生产过程中所产生的废热水进行冷却,然后把冷却后的水进行循环利用,从而达到节能减排的目的,因为形状比较大类似于塔状,所以因此而成为冷却塔。What ...



What is a cooling tower?

Cooling tower is a kind of cooling equipment for water, oil and other cooling. The main principle is to cool the waste hot water generated in the production process, and then recycle the cooling water, so as to achieve the purpose of energy conservation and emission reduction, because the shape is relatively similar to the tower, so it becomes a cooling tower.


The cooling tower panel is made of aluminum plated galvanized plate, magnesium plated aluminum zinc plate or 304 stainless steel material. From the corrosion protection, the stainless steel panel has the strongest corrosion performance, followed by magnesium plated aluminum zinc plate, and the galvanized steel plate commonly used on the market has the worst corrosion performance.Galvanized steel plate on the market will generally be painted for anticorrosion treatment, and some companies use aluminum galvanized plate corrosion performance, do not need to spray paint treatment, in response to environmental protection requirements.


High quality baosteel aluminum galvanized plate, surface film coated, double folding edge without welding assembly, the surface film is torn off on site, to prevent scratches.Maintenance instructions: keep the surface clean, with a regular pattern, in the high temperature and humid environment, the corrosion resistance ability is very good, the service life is several times that of ordinary fiberglass material.





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