0.5mm厚宝钢55%镀铝锌板轻钢房屋云浮钢板批发可分条开板耐指纹覆铝锌 ...

2021-12-29 10:08
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀层板重要的两个要素就是锌、铝、铝锌,三种合金物质。锌一般用Z表示。Z为英文Zinc的缩字。如Z80表面镀锌含量为80克每平方。Z100表示镀锌含量100克每平方,以此类推,Z后面数字是多少即表示镀锌钢卷双面三点平均镀 ...


The two important elements of the plating plate are zinc, aluminum, aluminum and zinc, and the three alloy materials.Zinc is generally indicated by Z.Z is an acronym for the English language of Zinc.Z80 surface is 80 g per square.Z100 indicates the galvanized content of 100 g per square, and so on, the number behind Z indicates the average three-point plating content of galvanized steel rolls of how g per square.The general materials of hot galvanizing on the market are: Z80, Z100, Z120, Z140, Z180, Z275, etc.Aluminum is indicated by A.A is short for the English language of Aluminum.


Aluminized galvanized sheet AL-Zn coated aluminum galvanized sheet is based on a variety of high-strength and thin cold rolled hard steel plates according to hot dip method.Its coating composition is 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc, 1.5% silicon and moderate trace promartin composition.2.0*1219镀铝锌板


With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for living quality and environmental protection are also getting higher and higher. Energy-saving, environmental protection, multi-functional, earthquake-resistant and efficient construction is the irreversible development direction of the world and China's construction industry.Light steel prefabricated buildings are also becoming more and more popular, now light steel houses are mainly composed of roof systems, floor systems, wall systems and foundation systems.Thermal aluminum galvanized high strength plate is applied in the roof system, floor system and wall system.


With the application of aluminum galvanized plate in light steel prefabricated buildings and the substantial improvement of corrosion resistance of keel steel, we will continue to take customer needs as the center, dig deeply, meet customer needs, and provide customers with green, environmental protection, safe and reliable light steel housing buildings.





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